Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Job

Things I like so far at my summer job at a law firm:

1. The listerine pump and tiny disposable cups in the bathroom.

2. The crazy contraption that is our coffee/tea maker. There are individual packets of about 15 kinds of coffee and 10 kinds of tea that you slip into a machine, press a button, and your cup of coffee or tea is ready in about 15 seconds... even the tea, without any steeping!

3. Walking down Market Street every morning and afternoon.

4. That the attorneys' assistants manage their attorney's bank accounts for them.

5. That in a writing seminar, all the first year associates' blackberrys were constantly vibrating with email alerts. I don't think all the buzzing would be accepted anywhere else.


Los said...

"I don't think all the buzzing would be accepted anywhere else." I could think of a number of places where that would be accpeted ...

Anonymous said...

You'll hate walking down Market once the crazy guy with one leg starts chasing you backwards in his wheelchair.

As I will be internet-free for the next 10 days, let me just say last night was a sad, sad day on Bravo...

Anonymous said...

Yes! We have a Flavia automatic coffee & tea gizmo. The best part is using different packets [as prompted by the machine] and making a doublechocomochawhatsit thingie =)

Anonymous said...

I know, those damned to hell coffee machines are all the rage, but I really think they are just a fad.